Here we are again. A new year, a blank slate, a new start. As I’ve said before, New Year’s Resolutions often seem like an empty promise. This year is the year I am going to start setting goals and working to achieve them. I have learned throughout the years that I am a goal oriented person, I do better when there is a goal in sight. So this year instead of Resolutions I have decided to set goals for myself and here they are:
- Travel. While studying abroad it is my goal to visit and travel to 8 different countries.
- Take more pictures and videos. I constantly look back and wish that I had photos or videos to document the time I was spending. This year I am going to document everything.
- Say yes more often. Why not? Say yes.
- Be consistent. Show up for people. Follow through on your word.
- Take a leap of faith.I have wanted to start content creation for year now and this is the year where I finally go through with it.
- Write things down. My memory isn’t the greatest. This year I am going to journal more so I’ll have it forever.
- Prioritize the people who matter most. Acknowledge the people in your life who mean the most to you and Make sure they know it.
- Track the goals. With goals comes being accountable. So I will be checking in now and again to make sure I am on track.
Although this is a short list now it is bound to grow. As I move through this year I will continue to set long and short term goals and I urge you to set some goals of your own. No matter how big or small a goal is a goal and I promise you will feel gratitude when you complete them.