Wow…where to start. This year has been crazy, we all know that, but never did I think so much good could come out of this year.
Let’s start from the beginning..
In August I moved into my first apartment with three of my best friends. I was ready and eager to start school and a new adventure. I soon changed my major and college path. Football came back on and I spent almost every Saturday watching Penn State’s team…even if we didn’t have the best season. I spent tons of time with my friends. I played soccer in an adult league with my soccer team and became close with some of the club soccer boys. Thanksgiving came quicker than I thought and Christmas came quicker. Although my entire family wasn’t able to get together, I still had an amazing holiday with the family that I could see. Then back to school for second semester. We had sorority recruitment and I soon got my little! The weather gradually got warmer and warm and I got to enjoy a lot of time outside. Lots of daylonging on Saturdays and got to catch some soccer games (my first time watching live sports in person again) which was a lot of fun. And soon enough finals were around the corner. Crazy how quick this year went by and even crazier to think that I am halfway through college. I am so grateful and thankful for all the memories and people I have met, and I look forward to what the next to years have to offer. 🙂
To Junior Year…I hope you are even better than this one.
P.S. Here’s a link to a TikTok I made with some of my favorite pictures of this year…